

Bulk Regenerate Download Permissions for WooCommerce Orders plugin lets you regenerate download permissions for all your orders or only selected orders in bulk.

General Options

Generate order key
Generates the _order_key meta in case it is empty.
Default: yes
Reset expiry from today
Resets expiry date counting from the present day and not from when the order was completed.
Default: no
Preserve existing downloads count
Enable this if you want to keep the existing downloads count and log data. (If not enabled, downloads count will be reset to 0.)
Default: no

Usage – All Orders

You can regenerate download permissions for all your orders with single click from Tools > Download Permissions.

If you have a large number of orders and having issues when regenerating all permissions at once, try changing Advanced: Query block size option value. Default value: 512.

Usage – Selected Orders

To regenerate download permissions for selected orders only go to WooCommerce > Orders, select orders you want to regenerate permissions for, click on Bulk Actions drop down box and select Regenerate download permissions action.