This is the premium version documentation page. Some features shown here may not be available in the free version. Click here to purchase Crowdfunding for WooCommerce.



This plugin is an extended version of free Crowdfunding for WooCommerce plugin with no limitation on how many open pricing products you can add.


Plugin consists of two type of settings: global (i.e. for all products globally) and local (i.e. per product). Global settings can be set in Admin Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Crowdfunding tab.

General Options

In General settings section you can:

  • Enable/disable the plugin.
  • Set orders status to include in crowdfunding calculations.
  • Set default add to cart button labels (for single product and archive pages).
  • Set default HTML templates to display on product not yet started or ended.
  • Enable radio buttons for variable products (instead of WooCommerce standard drop down list).
  • Set campaigns ending options (end on time ended and/or goal reached).
  • Set products data update rate.
Order Statuses to Include in Calculations
Sets which order statuses should be included when calculating crowdfunding data.
Default: Completed
Default Button Label on Single Product Page
You can change this in product edit on per product basis.
Back This Project
Default Button Label on Archive Pages
You can change this in product edit on per product basis.
Read More
Message on Product Not Yet Started
You can use shortcodes here. For example: [product_crowdfunding_time_to_start].
<strong>Not yet started!</strong>
Message on Product Ended
You can use shortcodes here. For example: [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining].
Radio Buttons for Variable Products
Replaces standard WooCommerce drop down with radio buttons for variable products.
Default: yes
End On Time Ended
Sets if a campaign should be stopped when deadline is reached.
Default: yes
End On Goal Reached
Sets if a campaign should be stopped when goal is reached.
Default: no
Admin Email: Campaign Ended
Sets if an email should be sent to admin when campaign ends.
Default: no
Products Data: Update Rate
Possible values: Update every minute; Update every fifteen minutes; Update hourly; Update twice daily; Update daily; Update weekly; Realtime (not recommended).
Default: Update every fifteen minutes
Log will be saved in WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
Default: no
Add “Crowdfunding Data” Column
Adds “Crowdfunding Data” column to the admin products list.
Default: no
“Crowdfunding Data” Column: Data
You can use shortcodes and/or HTML here. Ignored if Add “Crowdfunding Data” column option above is not enabled.
WPML / Polylang

You can translate texts with [crowdfunding_translate] shortcode, e.g.:

[crowdfunding_translate lang="DE" lang_text="Unterstütze dieses Projekt" not_lang_text="Back this project"]
Or with more complex form:
[crowdfunding_translate lang="DE"]Unterstütze dieses Projekt[/crowdfunding_translate][crowdfunding_translate lang="ES"]Patrocina este proyecto[/crowdfunding_translate][crowdfunding_translate not_lang="DE,ES"]Back this project[/crowdfunding_translate]

Product Info Options

In Product Info settings section you can set how and where to display product’s crowdfunding data, e.g. number of backers, pledged amount, time remaining etc. You can set different data to display for product category or single views. On single product’s page you can also display crowdfunding data in WooCommerce tab.

Open Pricing Options

In Open Pricing (Name Your Price) settings section you can set frontend labels and messages: frontend label, message on empty price, message on price too small and too big. Other open pricing options are set in each product’s edit page.

User Campaigns Options

In User Campaigns settings section you can set options for [product_crowdfunding_add_new_campaign] shortcode.

Per Product Options

Local (i.e. per product) settings can be reached when adding or editing WooCommerce product from admin dashboard.


When displaying crowdfunding data for the product, you should use plugin’s shortcodes:

Backers & Money

  • [product_crowdfunding_total_sum] – total sum (i.e. funded to date) for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_total_backers] – total number of orders (i.e. backers) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_total_items] – total number of ordered items for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_list_backers] – list of backers for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal] – end goal for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining] – sum remaining to reach the end goal for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar] – goal remaining as graphical progress bar.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers] – end goal (backers) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining] – backers remaining to reach the end goal for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining_progress_bar] – goal (backers) remaining as graphical progress bar.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items] – end goal (items) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining] – items remaining to reach the end goal for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining_progress_bar] – goal (items) remaining as graphical progress bar.


  • [product_crowdfunding_startdate] – starting date for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_starttime] – starting time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_startdatetime] – starting date and time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline] – ending date for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline_time] – ending time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline_datetime] – ending date and time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_time_to_start] – time remaining till start.
  • [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining] – time remaining till deadline.
  • [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar] – time remaining as graphical progress bar.


  • [product_crowdfunding_add_new_campaign] – campaigns by users.
  • [crowdfunding_totals] – all crowdfunding campaigns (i.e. products) totals.
  • [product_crowdfunding_add_to_cart_form] – backers (add to cart) HTML form.

Global Attributes

These global attributes are applicable to all shortcodes (with few exceptions).

Product ID. If not set, then current product ID is used. Applicable only to shortcodes starting with product_
Default: current product ID
Sets if empty result needs to be outputted (yes).
Default: no
Text to output before the final result.
Default: None
Text to output after the final result.
Default: None

Specific Attributes

These specific attributes are applicable to certain shortcodes only.

[product_crowdfunding_total_backers] [product_crowdfunding_total_sum] [product_crowdfunding_total_items] [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining] [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining] [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining]
Type to return. Possible values: percentNone.
Default: None
Used only if type is set to percent.
Default: 0
Optional starting offset.
Default: 0

%s is replaced with actual time.
Default: The campaign will end in %s
%s is replaced with actual time.
Default: The campaign ended %s ago
Interval precision.
Default: 6

%s is replaced with actual time.
Default: The campaign will start in %s
%s is replaced with actual time.
Default: The campaign started %s ago
Interval precision.
Default: 6

[product_crowdfunding_startdatetime] [product_crowdfunding_deadline_datetime]
Date format.
Default: Date format as set in your Dashboard > Settings > General.
Time format.
Default: Time format as set in your Dashboard > Settings > General.

[product_crowdfunding_startdate] [product_crowdfunding_deadline]
Date format.
Default: Date format as set in your Dashboard > Settings > General.
For available formats check PHP date() function.

Default: %nr%. %first_name% %last_name% - %sum%
Default: <br>
Date format.
Default: Site’s date and time format.

Value to return. Possible values: orders_sumtotal_itemstotal_orderstotal_campaigns.
Default: orders_sum
Optionally set this as comma separated list of product IDs.
Default: None

[product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar] [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining_progress_bar] [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining_progress_bar] [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar]
Progress bar type. When standard is selected, no other params are used. line and circle use JS progress bar library. Possible values: standardlinecircle.
Default: standard
Progress bar color in HEX format.
Default: #2bde73
Text color in HEX format.
Default: #999
Text position. Possible values: rightleftvariable.
Default: right
Used only when text_position is set to variable.
Default: 75
Text top position.
Default: 30px
Progress bar width. Can be pixels or percent, e.g.: 100%.
Default: 200px
Progress bar height.
Default: 8px (line) or 200px (circle)
Additional style.
Default: None
Progress Bar Shortcode Example
[product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar type="circle" color="#FF0000" text_color="#000"]