We appreciate our users feedback and suggestions. On this page you can post your requests for new features you’d like to see added in our plugins.
NOTE: Just because your request appears on this page does NOT mean we have agreed to do it. It simply means it’s open for votes and comments.
We look at the feature requests that get the most votes and/or seem the most interesting to us. However, we make no promise about the schedule when we will work on any request, nor do we promise if we will do it at all. Please be respectful folks.
Feature Requests
Showing ideas that are with tags
- 12Compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)The Product Visibility by User Role for WooCommerce plugin is identified as incompatible with HPOS. Is there a plan to address this?
- 3File Upload Required Once Per User. Afther They Upload Their ID They Won't have To Upload AgainHi, we’ve purchased the upgraded “Checkout Files Upload”. But we need a feature that is does not have. If a customer has already uploaded their ID during registration we do not need them to upload it ... Read more...
- 3Product open princinghello, 2 ideas: - be able to apply "name your price" to all products at the same time or to a category. - be able to change the text color in the settings thank you
- 3File Upload: Linking files in outgoing mailsHi, in some cases files could be to big for some mailboxes. I would like to see the option to choose to send either attachment or links to the files in outgoing mails.
- 2SKU from custom fieldHi is it possible to generate the SKU from a custom field? I import my sales items from a 3rd party site. It uses the "sales ID" for the product ID rather than the "release ID". I sell records ... Read more...
- 2Include and exclude settings for product categoriesRegarding Product Visibility by User Role for WooCommerce. Right now in bulk settings screen you are able to specify product categories for each user role that they have access to. However, unlike ... Read more...
- 2SKU Generator Pro: List categories by hierarchyCurrently lists all categories by alphabetical order. Would it be possible to have it list by hierarchy order? ie: Product 1 - Green - Red Product 2 - Green - Red instead of: ... Read more...
- 1Product Open Pricing support for grouped productsCurrently if a "name your price" product is part of a grouped product, the grouped product can't be added to the cart - an error "Price is required!" displays instead. Please add support for grouped p... Read more...
- 1More SortingPlease add a way to add more sorting options / delete sorting options per category.
- 1Integrate Polylang/WPMLI use polylang for translation of my website but i have issue concerning translation because it is not possible to change the words i put into Product Open Pricing Options when i change the langage of... Read more...
- 1file upload in a new endpointHi, I would like the files to download to be in a new tab (endpoint) not in order detail. How do this? Kind regards, Matthieu
- 1File Upload depends on ordered itemsHi Is it possible to upload the same count of files as the order of a product is? ie: customer orders 3 prints and uploads a image for each print.
- 1File Upload based on shipping countryWe have many products that require specific forms to be filled based on the country of receipt. I need a way to specific certain forms for certain countries.
- 1Per Coupon Pricing“Next option lets you turn on per product pricing. After enabling the checkbox, new settings will be added to each product’s edit page. There you can set price directly for each product without using ... Read more...
- 1Expand functionality of Split OrdersHi! We purchased your split orders plugin, and it's working great. We'd like, 2 additional features: 1. Be able to have the parent order auto-switch to a new status when the child orders are c... Read more...
- 1Manual upload on WC orders pageIt would be helpful if you can manually upload images through the orders page. Some customers may send files through email and messaging apps
- 1Combine ordersHi, I thought is may me usefull for the "Multi order plugin" to be able to not only split orders but also to be able to combine orders of same customers. To make the plugin a full package.
- 1schema for pricingaccording to google, only if you add schema itemprop, then google will index your extra currency pricing Read more...
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- 1drag and drop uploads for multiple fileshaving a separate button for each file is clunky and old
- 1Per Product PricingUsing Same Currency With different Value for different countries
- 1Orders status for shop managersit would be cool to have an hint on the files client did send. This way, they would know in a snap whom didn't send all the documents(if not mandatory...) This could be a bit more complicated with t... Read more...
- 1Allow Upload for Specific Payment MethodsWould it be possible to add a feature to allow the file upload only for specific Payment Methods? Example: Payment Method = Purchase Order, display the file upload field as the customer needs to su... Read more...
- 1Recalculate order button by exchange rateHi, one idea: Button in order detail to recalculate order from one currency to another by exchange rate. Simple function that safe time. Soma others plugin has it already.
- 1Add hook for email short codes in Checkout File Upload Plugin.In the file class-alg-wc-checkout-files-upload.php Line 215. Please add a hook to allow custom placeholders to be added to the subject, email heading and email content. Please include the order class ... Read more...
- 1Multi PaymentIdeally I'd like the option for the customer to split the order BEFORE they place an order. Ideally, the plugin should take either the subtotal (my use) or the total and allow them to split it over an... Read more...
- 1Field where we can specify suggested price.It would be nice if there would be %suggested_price% option, to display to customers suggested price.
- 1Compatability with Multivendor Marketplace PluginWe are using the multivendor marketplace vendor plugin here: We will have different vendors and they have their own stores with a frontend provided by the plugin where they ca... Read more...
- 1Enable bulk visibility controllers for attribute archivesOften times we use the popular Brands plugin to handle multi-brand stores. Brands are added as an Attribute and it will be extremely useful if we could change visibility in bulk to Attribute archi... Read more...
- 1File NamingCan you make it so an file is uploaded, it retains the same name as the file that was uploaded? If the file has to be renamed, can it include both the original file name along with the order number? ... Read more...
- 1add time frames to popularity sortingHi there, Default popularity sorting from woocommerce sort according to all time sales. Is there any way to adjust time frame in settings, or can you do it. Like choose number and week/month etc. ... Read more...
- 1Suborder Hide PriceCan you please add a function where the Suborder prices will be hidden on the order list area? This is to prevent confusion since some orders have Coupons added and it seems the coupons are not includ... Read more...
- 1Multi Order plugin compatibility with Multivenor marketplace (like Wcfm)1) Split order based on vendor: If customer place an order from different vendor in a single order, it is really important for admin to treat them (update order status) by vendor. Case: Customer orde... Read more...
- 1Product Visibility by userHello dear, In the visibility control plugin, can you add visibility rules ''by the individual user''?
- 1Multi order - Activate quantity split by categoryHi, We want to split the quantity only for specific categories. Is there a possibility to built in this feature?
- 1File upload to cloud storageMany of have shared hosting, and in the case of music or video files, server space is at a premium. A way to upload to Dropbox or other cloud storage within the plugin would be a great feature and a g... Read more...
- 1Polylang integrationLink a currency to a Polylang language (EN => USD, FR => EUR...)
- 1Hide product from menu (Product Visibility by country)Have hidden products not appear on the main nav menu
- 1Enable Upload Button For Specific User RoleIt was great if this button can be enable and disable for specific type of user =D
- 1Allow us to pick a single product for Bulk Regenerate Download PermissionsI would love to be able to pick a single product to update via the Bulk Regenerate Download Permissions plugin instead of having to choose all orders or by doing it via the orders page. I have thousan... Read more...
- 1Perform uploads on product pageI would like to be able to place the upload as a widget on my product pages that require a file or text message with the order.
- 1Integrating Dokan with WP WhamIntegration between Currency Switcher and Dokan
- 1SKU search within woo official mobile appthe goal is to be able to scan sku In woo app. that way it would be possible to create orders with the option to scan sku, so you won't have to remember to product name.
- 1BOX always visible to customer switch with currency on the left side or right side.BOX always visible to customer switch with currency on the left side or right side. This is very useful to pick by customer currency, could you add this option to be always visible to the customer? wh... Read more...
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- 1Set and display currency based on product categoryIt would be incredible to have the abilty to asign an specific currency based on the product category. For example, I want my products on "Gift Cards" category to be displayed on USD and my "T-Shirts"... Read more...
- 1Improve Accessibility Score in PageSpeed (Currency Switcher plugin)Google PageSpeed shows "Select element must have an accessible name" warning. Fixing this will improve PageSpeed score. In order to fix it, currency selector ( element) must have "aria-label" attribu... Read more...
- 1Invoice e-mail automatically sentCould you please send automatically the yearly invoice by e-mail ? Would be really appreciated as accountants need a trace for each transaction. You’re the only WordPress plugin we have to log in the ... Read more...
- 1Checkout Files Upload Compatibility with DiviDivi has multiple Modules to build the Checkout Page. Looks like the Plugin Checkout Files Upload places the Upload Field after/before every Divi Module. It would be nice if plugin works properly with... Read more...
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